The firm provides its services in the field of business intelligence, conducting economic investigations.
An economic investigation is an investigation to locate a person's economic ability - his property, business and savings.
If you are afraid that someone is hiding assets from you - the partner or spouse, want to find out that the other party will meet the financial obligations he has imposed on himself, or are simply trying to repay a debt that seems lost

Reliable tests

Relationships are a complex thing, the main reason for this is that we can almost never know what is going through the other party's mind and whether we are 100 percent honest with us.
A private investigator is a professional whose purpose is to collect information and deduce the requested answer based on the information collected.
The collection of information can be done through overt or covert interrogation, use of advanced equipment and including observations and surveillance.
The activity of the private investigator will ensure effective results, in a short time while maintaining the discretion of the investigation, so that the investigation will not cause suspicion on the part of the examined party or a feeling of discomfort to the client.
When it is recommended to perform a reliability test:
For an employer who suspects an employee is stealing or spying for a competitor
For a family you suspected of caring for children or the elderly
Suspects the partner is cheating on you
SIGANL - Investigations and Business Intelligence "has extensive experience and specializes in investigation files in the field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results.

Background investigations

Relationships, whether in a new acquaintance or a long-term relationship, we can not stand on the nature of the spouse, there is always a chance that at some point we will experience disappointment.
Whether it is a new spouse entering our life or a new employee we are hiring, a personal or professional background check can prevent us from being disappointed and that is exactly why we need a private investigator.
A professional investigation office will know how to do the background check discreetly and use all the tools at its disposal such as surveillance and questioning and verify personal details and status to find out about cases in execution, criminal and civil background and finally build a personal or professional profile for the lake we want to find out about.
When it is recommended to perform a background check:
Parents worry that their child is hanging out with the wrong company
For those who are developing a new business partnership
For a family that employs a new caregiver
For a company that deals with sensitive information and needs to check every new employee that comes along
Background check before wedding
SIGANL - "Investigations Office and Business Intelligence" with extensive experience and specializes in investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results.

Undercover client

The covert customer service is intended for businesses that want to check that their business is being conducted as they would expect it to be conducted in real time who are not present to monitor what is happening closely.
In the business world it has always been your business to succeed or fail according to the treatment the customer receives, the level of service and courtesy of the employees, maintaining the company procedures, conveying the messages of the brand and of course the fairness of the employees and suppliers.
Investigators from our offices physically come to the business as an undercover customer or by making cover calls to customer service, at the end of the investigation we will send the customer a detailed investigation report and documentation of the investigation findings (covert filming or recording)
Contact us for advice
SIGANL - "Investigations Office and Business Intelligence" with extensive experience and specializes in investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results.
The combination of the firm's owner as a business fire and a partner in a number of companies operating in a variety of fields confers the advantage in light of the control of extensive general knowledge for entry as an undercover client and without arousing suspicion from the investigated party.
Our firm provides its services in the field of covert customer passing through a variety of leading companies in the field of baker, customer service centers, telemarketing companies, cellular companies and retail authority

Dubbing investigations

When a dubbing investigation is required :
"Information is power" but we do not always have the information. Sometimes there is the need to conduct covert investigations during which the subject of the investigation is questioned after constructing an appropriate cover story. The information is obtained as part of the interrogation of the interrogee and in an unaware manner that he is being questioned
The ability to build a credible cover story and as a result dub the interrogee, will assist in obtaining the requested information and without the interrogee knowing that he has transmitted the information.
The information is invaluable and can be a crucial factor in making business decisions, personal decisions and in many cases even tip the scales in lawsuits and legal proceedings.
On what levels can dubbing investigations be used :
Dubbing investigations at the business level Information about the future activities of competing companies or entities can be submitted, information gathering if one of the partners acts in a conflict of interest
Personal dubbing investigations Sensitive information and moves made by one of the parties in the divorce proceedings without the knowledge of the spouse can be obtained, for example opening accounts abroad to smuggle money, opening a family-owned company to remove property and dubbing for extramarital relationships.
In a legal proceeding, the golden vision is sensitive information and it is very important how the evidence is documented in order for it to be presented in court. A successful combination of the steps in presenting the evidence can mean a waste of time and money for the client beyond exposing the truth.
In the activity of a regular interrogation ("overt interrogation") the interrogee is aware of the frontal interrogation procedures and therefore the abilities to provide the information that serves the personal interest and can not be confirmed or identified if it is the real information. In such cases there is the need for covert investigations in which the interrogee dubs in submitting subjective information and without interest in providing incorrect information.
What features are required of the researcher?
An important factor in the success of a dubbing investigation is a background investigation and the construction of a reliable cover story to create the initial contact with the interrogee. Actions that require a lot of money, experience in the field, high interpersonal ability, creativity, real-time improvisation ability, verbal ability to conduct conversations with extensive general knowledge and the subject of the investigation in particular.
Issuing information on the way is at our disposal and without arousing suspicion
SIGANL - "Investigations Office and Business Intelligence" with extensive experience and specializes in investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results.
The combination of the firm owner as a business fire and partner in a number of companies operating in a variety of fields confers the advantage in light of the control of extensive general knowledge for the purpose of creating a connection and the ability to make the interrogee "sing" and transfer the information.

Investigations in the ultra-Orthodox sector

Our office will be able to check the following issues for you:
Locating a residential address
Investigation in a national section for locating privately owned properties and the Israel Lands Administration.
Relationships to companies as owners or directors.
Business activity and sources of income.
Locating bank branches where the subject of the investigation is an accountant.
Owned vehicles, vehicle use and owner custom.
Financial rights in life insurance, executives and pensions.
Rights in study funds, provident funds and investment portfolios.
Locating lawsuits as a defendant and as a plaintiff.
Detection of Execution Claims.
Inheritance investigations
SIGANL - "Investigations Office and Business Intelligence" with extensive experience and specializes in investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results.