The firm provides its services in the field of business intelligence, conducting economic investigations.
An economic investigation is an investigation to locate a person's economic ability - his property, business and savings.
If you are afraid that someone is hiding assets from you - the partner or spouse, want to find out that the other party will meet the financial obligations he has imposed on himself, or are simply trying to repay a debt that seems lost

Polygraph tests

Polygraph: A tool that helps in the investigation of truth
Polygraph : poly - multi, graph - drawing, polygraph measures and records involuntary physiological responses transmitted from the subject's body to the polygraph device. The graphical drawings obtained are analyzed by a qualified polygraph specialist and through them it is possible to diagnose whether the reactions indicate a lie or truth.
The physiological indices measured by the polygraph device compare a number of parameters from the involuntary autonomic nervous system and are uncontrollable), blood pressure, pulse and electrical conductivity of the skin.
When a person lies, physiological changes take place in his body that he cannot control. So that the repetition of certain physiological responses several times regarding specific questions may lead to the conclusion that the subject is lying in his answer.
How and when a polygraph test can be used as admissible evidence
In criminal law : The polygraph test is not acceptable. Moreover, the lawyer or the police must not inform the court that they have offered the defendant to be examined by a polygraph examination.
In civil law : Unlike criminal law, the polygraph test will serve as admissible evidence if it meets two main conditions:
The subject voluntarily agreed to be examined by a polygraph examination and signed in his handwriting his consent to undergo a polygraph examination.
The subject signed with his signature that the results of the polygraph examination will be used as admissible evidence in court and will influence the decision decision in our eyes.
In the Family Court : The judge was given authority to deviate from the rules of procedure and to accept any evidence as admissible. Family courts make greater use of polygraph tests because they have broader jurisdiction in this matter.
When a polygraph test is needed
The cases in which different and varied polygraph examination is required:
Recruiting an employee for a company with confidential content or sensitive information (occupational reliability)
Polygraph examination on suspicion of theft of inside information or espionage.
Polygraph examination for embezzlement or theft.
Polygraph examination to verify versions and arbitration procedure
A private polygraph examination on suspicion of treason
Polygraph examination for expert opinion.
How a polygraph test is performed
A polygraph test is a simple and effective test, the date and location of the test is determined in advance, the test is performed at the "Signal - Office of Investigations and Business Intelligence" in a room isolated from external background noise and the truth can be discovered in a short time.
The polygraph examiner acts with great sensitivity due to the pressure the subject is under and on the other hand knows how to perform the questioning procedure in the most accurate manner for the purpose for which the examination is performed.
During the polygraph examination, the subject is asked questions in which the unequivocal answer is "yes" or "no" only. At the end of the polygraph examination, the client will receive a report signed by a certified examiner with the results and conclusions of the examination.
Our office has extensive experience in managing investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results. We also find a debtor hiding in unconventional residences, real estate assets registered in another name, vehicles that the debtor uses, funds hidden under various bank accounts and the like.
There are different scopes of economic inquiry, and the scope of economic inquiry depends on the needs of the person ordering the inquiry and his desires. You may choose to start by obtaining some of the data and according to the progress of the investigation and the findings you will choose to proceed with the investigation to additional sections or alternatively to deepen the existing investigation.

Listening tests

" Eavesdropping" is a recording or listening to another without any of the participants in the conversation consenting to it and it constitutes a criminal offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison
How is wiretapping done?
In parallel with the development of technology and electronics, wiretaps have also undergone a technological upheaval and upgrade.
The equipment for wiretapping and secret recording has become available for ordering and accessible on websites for anyone who demands it, it is easy to operate, small and immediate and easy to install without the involvement of professionals.
Eavesdropping can be done in a variety of ways such as listening to phone calls, listening in spaces and using location tracking devices (GPS)
Disclosure of wiretapping
We at "Signal - Investigations and Business Intelligence" perform listening tests, locating eavesdropping devices and microphones, recording devices, transmission devices (GSM devices), wired or wireless hidden cameras, testing transmissions in all frequency spectrum, testing exchanges and telephone extensions and GPS devices.
Listening tests for mobile devices
Performing eavesdropping tests and spyware on mobile devices includes scanning an "unsigned" code and analyzing the corrective applications to see if they pose a security risk.
Malware installation can be done directly or by sending files remotely using sophisticated methods.
In order to reduce the risk of being harmed by malware and eavesdropping, it is recommended to physically monitor the cell phone so that it does not get into foreign hands.
At the same time it is recommended to perform a backup of the important files as well as a periodic check for malware
Our office has extensive experience in managing investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results. We also find a debtor hiding in unconventional residences, real estate assets registered in another name, vehicles that the debtor uses, funds hidden under various bank accounts and the like.
There are different scopes of economic inquiry, and the scope of economic inquiry depends on the needs of the person ordering the inquiry and his desires. You may choose to start by obtaining some of the data and according to the progress of the investigation and the findings you will choose to proceed with the investigation to additional sections or alternatively to deepen the existing investigation.

Locating confidential calls

Locating confidential calls
You are bothered during non-routine hours by a confidential number, in most cases these are companies or organizations that try their luck in sales, but at the same time there is a less pleasant situation when the person on the other end of the line bothers, threatens and violates privacy by dialing a confidential number.
The system manages to decipher the numbers hidden behind the confidential number whether the call was made from a landline or via the cellular network.
We at "Signal - Office of Investigations and Business Intelligence" operate an advanced system for identifying calls from a confidential number and revealing disturbing identities.
In stage B we are able to gather information about the person beyond the conversations.
Contact us for advice
Our office has extensive experience in managing investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results. We also find a debtor hiding in unconventional residences, real estate assets registered in another name, vehicles that the debtor uses, funds hidden under various bank accounts and the like.
There are different scopes of economic inquiry, and the scope of economic inquiry depends on the needs of the person ordering the inquiry and his desires. You may choose to start by obtaining some of the data and according to the progress of the investigation and the findings you will choose to proceed with the investigation to additional sections or alternatively to deepen the existing investigation.

Hidden and visible photography
Our firm provides rental and sales services for photographic equipment (overt and covert). The department staff has many years of technical knowledge and experience in installing photographic and covert and covert documentation equipment.
In many cases, there is a need for covert photography and documentation in order to confirm or initiate news before making significant decisions on the business or personal side. An example of this is when the suspect raises an employee who steals from his employer, an employee who does not report attendance hours properly, the suspect treats toddlers or the elderly. In these cases and in most others covert photography can gather for the client the proofs and evidence he needs.
In order to obtain these proofs, high-quality and accurate photography is required, and there is great importance to experience and technical knowledge in choosing the type of photography, the type of location of the cameras and their operation.
If you want to keep your business or home burglarized, see what is happening in the house during the day, we can provide you with the appropriate equipment for this and even help with its installation.
Our office has extensive experience in managing investigation files in this field.
All investigations are conducted with complete discretion using a variety of investigative methods, advanced technologies, professional tools and accessories, and professional work strategies, which ensure significant results. We also find a debtor hiding in unconventional residences, real estate assets registered in another name, vehicles that the debtor uses, funds hidden under various bank accounts and the like.
There are different scopes of economic inquiry, and the scope of economic inquiry depends on the needs of the person ordering the inquiry and his desires. You may choose to start by obtaining some of the data and according to the progress of the investigation and the findings you will choose to proceed with the investigation to additional sections or alternatively to deepen the existing investigation.